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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Buku Sosiologi dan Antropologi. Tampilkan semua postingan

PATOLOGI SOSIAL, DR. Kartini Kartono

Judul/Title: Patologi Sosial
Penulis/Author: Dr. Kartini Kartono
Penerbit/Publisher: Rajawali Press
Edisi/Edition: 2011
Halaman/Pages: 342
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: Indonesia
Harga/Price: Rp. 65.000,-

Masyarakat modern yang serba kompleks akibat kemajuan teknologi, mekanisasi, industrialisasi, urbanisasi, dan yang terakhir akibat krisis, memunculkan banyak masalah sosial. Oleh karena itu, adaptasi atau penyesuaian diri seseorang dalam kehidupan masyarakat modern yang hiperkompleks itu menjadi tidak mudah. Kesulitan mengadakan adaptasi dan adjustment menyebabkan kebingungan, kecemasan, dan berbagai konflik baik yang terbuka maupun yang tersembunyi, secara eksternal maupun internal. Dengan demikian, banyak orang mengembangkan pola tingkah laku menyimpang dari norma-norma umum atau berbuat semau sendiri, demi kepentingan sendiri, dan merugikan orang lain. Gejala-gejala sosial yang dianggap "sakit" itulah yang menjadi bahan kajian dalam Patologi Sosial atau "penyakit masyarakat" ini.

Secara umum buku ini menjelaskan tentang patologi sosial dan masalah sosial yang terjadi akibat diferensiasi dan deviasi. Kedua hal itu memunculkan berbagai penyakit masyarakat, antara lain individu sosiopatik, perjudian, korupsi, kriminalitas, pelacuran dan mental disorder. Kelima jenis penyakit tersebut dibahas secara detail dalam buku ini, mulai dari pengertian, jenis, sebab-sebab, akibat-akibat, serta saran-saran untuk menanggulanginya.

INTRODUCING FEMINISM, Richard Appignanesi [ed.]

Judul/Title: Introducing Feminism
Penulis/Author: Richard Appignanesi
Penerbit/Publisher: Iconbooks
Edisi/Edition: 2001
Halaman/Pages: 174
Dimensi/Dimension: 14 x 21 x 1cm
Sampul/Cover: Paperback
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 70.000,-
Call No.: 301/App/i

"Written with verve and purpose." The Guardian 

For some people, the word "feminism" conjures up the fearful spectre of gender competition, the "sex war" and man-hating females.

Introducing Feminism cuts through the myths surrounding the subject and provides an incisive account of the women's movement from its suprisingly recent birth in the French Revolution to the worldwide explosion of women's liberation in the 1970s and the conservative backlash of the Reagan and Thatcher years of the 1980s. It looks at the achievements of feminism and the challenges still confronting women throughout the world as we enter 21st century.

This is timely guide to the struggle for women's rights -- a stormy history of conservative male opposition from the outside and disagreements within the movement. Susan Alice Watkins, Marisa Rueda and Martaue Rodriguez have created a highly entertaining canvas of words and pictures which tells the story of some very remarkable women, past and present.


Judul/Title: Religious Problem in Vietnam
Penulis/Author: Nguyen Minh Quang
Penerbit/Publisher: The Gioi
Edisi/Edition: 2001
Halaman/Pages: 154
Dimensi/Dimension: 15 x 23 x 0.5cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 70.000,-
Call No.: 301/Qua/r

From the angle of religious faith, statistic show that there are six major religions legally operating in Vietnam. Among them, two are indigenous (Cao Dai dan Hoa Hao) and the rest imported (Buddhism, Christianity, Evangelism and Islam)

The six religions have today 20 million followers (a fourth of Vietnam's population), about 50,000 religious practitioners, and more than 20,000 places of worship including churches, temples, mosque and other sanctuaries.


Judul/Title: Tamasya Dalam Hiperealitas
Penulis/Author: Umberto Eco
Penerbit/Publisher: Jalasutra
Edisi/Edition: III, 2009
Halaman/Pages: 456
Dimensi/Dimension: 15 x 21 x 2cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: Indonesia
Harga/Price: Rp. 69.000,-
Call No.: 

Umberto Eco- Novelis, pakar semiotika, dan kritikus budaya yang luar biasa- dalam buku ini memperlihatkan kecerdasan, pembelajaran dan kecemerlangan inteligensi sebagaimana yang membuat para pembaca The Name of the Rose, Foucalt's Pendulum, dan Baudolino merasa begitu terhibur. Cakupan tulisan Eco dalam buku ini sangat luas- mulai dari budaya pop hingga filsafat, dari People's Temple hingga Thomas Aquinas, dari Casablanca hingga Roland Barthes.

Esai pembuka memperlihatkan ketekunan dan pencarian sang pengarang yang bertamasya melintasi seluruh daratan Amerika manakala ia sedang mencari tempat untuk menyelidiki perbatasan realisme, jiplakan (copy) yang menjanjikan lebih ketimbang yang asli, seperti museum lilin, hall of fame, theme park, kebun binatang. Dalam "Kembalinya Abad Pertengahan" Eco melontarkan berbagai pertanyaan tentang modernitas kita; sedang dalam "Desa Global" Eco bergerak dari media massa ke olahraga massal. Ada juga mutiara-mutiara kecil yang berlimpah, seperti dalam esai "Pemikiran Lumbar" Eco mengamati bagaimana blue jeans telah membentuk manusia.

Wawasan Eco dalam esai-esai ini sangat tajam, tak jarang bernada ironis, dan seringkali sungguh jenaka. Mengutip San Fransisco Chronicle, Eco memiliki "begitu banyak wawasan untuk mengajari kita semua tentang pentingnya (tidak menyebutkan kepuasan) observasi dan kritisisme, karena kedua persoalan inilah yang mengistimewakan-dan, sebagaimana dikatakannya, mewajibkan-seluruh umat manusia yang berpikir."

"Eco memikirkan hampir segala hal di seluruh dunia-holografi, museum lilin, 'Kembalinya Abad Pertengahan', Superman dan Casablanca, Frederico Fellini dan Michaelangelo Antonioni, sekte agama Afrika kuno yang masih bertahan serta cara pemujaan di Brazil kontemporer, Jim Jones dan People's Temple-nya, Brigade Merah dan terorisme secara umum, Marshall McLuhan dan Charles Manson, Woody Allen dan Santo Thomas Aquinas, implikasi sosial maupun personal dari blue jeans ketat dan makna rahasia dari olahraga tontonan... begitu banyak kesenangan yang ditemukan dalam seluruh eksplorasi Eco ini."
-New York Times Book Review


Judul/Title: Butir-Butir Budaya Jawa
Penulis/Author: Hardiyanti Rukmana
Penerbit/Publisher: Yayasan Purna Bhakti Pertiwi
Edisi/Edition: V/1992
Halaman/Pages: 205
Dimensi/Dimension: 20 x 28 x 1.5cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: Indonesia, Jawa, Inggris
Harga/Price: Rp. 75.000,-
Call No.: 301/Ruk/b

Sesungguhnya Bangsa Indonesia itu telah berabad-abad mengenal budaya hidup yang religius, artinya bahwa penghayatan hidupnya selalu didasarkan pada keyakinan dan kepercayaan pada Dhat Kang Murba Ing Dumadi, ialah Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, Tuhan Pencipta Alam Semesta dengan segala isinya termasuk manusia. Walaupun manusia tidak sanggup melihat wujud Tuhan atau wujud Gusti Kang Murba Kawasa Jagad ialah wujud Allah, tetapi sanggup meyakini akan sifat Tuhan, ialah: Maha Sempurna; Sempurna; Baik atau Becik.

Menyadari bahwa manusia adalah ciptaan Tuhan, manusia berkeinginan selalu dekat dengan Tuhan, bahkan bercita-cita dapat kembali pada Tuhan Yang menciptakannya, bila kelak memasuki alam wasana ialah alam akhirat, alam kelanggengan, setelah pada waktunya meninggalkan alam madya ialah alam dunia fana ini.

Tercapainya cita-cita hidup itu akan tergantung pada manusia sendiri dalam menggunakan kelengkapan hidup pemberian Tuhan, ialah: Pancaindera; Cipta-Rasa-Karsa; dan dua Nafsu yang bertentangan, yaitu nafsu baik dan nafsu jahat.

Manusia harus selalu bersyukur pada Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, karena telah memberikan kemudahan melalui ajaran agama--dengan perantaraan Nabi, Rasul sebagai utusan-Nya beserta Kitab suci-Nya. Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah memberi petunjuk pada manusia untuk memperoleh kehidupan yang utuh lahir-batin, materiil-spirituil, dunia-akhirat.

MENGENAL SOSIOLOGI, Richard Osborne dan Borin Van Loon

Judul/Title: Mengenal Sosiologi
Penulis/Author: Richard Osborne dan Borin Van Loon
Penerbit/Publisher: Mizan
Edisi/Edition: 1999
Halaman/Pages: 176
Dimensi/Dimension: 13.5 x 20.5 x 1cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: Indonesia
Harga/Price: Rp. 49.000,-
Call No.: 301/Osb/m

Secara sederhana, sosiologi bermakna kajian tentang cara berfungsinya masyarakat. Berbagai mahzab sosiologi yang saling bersaing telah berupaya mencocokan pengamatan atas fenomena ke dalam berbagai sistem konseptual.

Mengenal Sosiologi " For Beginners" melacak akar sistem-sistem ini sejak dari pemikiran masa Pencerahan dan karya rintisan Aguste Comte hingga perkembangan selanjutnya dalam pemikiran Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkhiem, dan Max Weber. Perkembangan pesat sosiologi di Amerika dan Inggris pada abad kedua puluh, dominasi Talcott Parsons pasca Perang Dunia II, Mahzab Chicago, dan bangkitnya Strukturalisme diuraikan dalam bentuk grafis yang jernih. Buku ini juga menguji serangkaian konsep dan metode riset yang telah diterapkan dalam kajian tentang masyarakat oleh para analis terkemuka.

Teks yang tajam dari Richard Osborne dan ilustrasi yang hidup dari Borin Van Loon menjadikan buku ini bacaan penting bagi para peminat kajian tentang masyarakat dalam dunia yang semakin cepat berubah ini.


Judul/Title: Budaya dan Masyarakat
Penulis/Author: Kuntowijoyo
Penerbit/Publisher: Tiara Wacana
Edisi/Edition: 1987
Halaman/Pages: 166
Dimensi/Dimension: 14.5 x 21 x 0.5cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: Indonesia
Harga/Price: Rp. 35.000,-
Call No.: 306/Kun/b

Orang bisa memberi tafsir bermacam-macam tentang perubahan masyarakat dan kebudayaan, karena kedua-duanya memang kaya dengan nuansa. Buku ini merupakan hasil pengembaraan intelektual Kuntowijoyo selama sekitar enam tahun. Dalam kapasitasnya sebagai sejarawan yang sangat intens dalam mengamati masyarakat, ditambah dengan penguasaan yang luas terhadap teori-teori "sosial besar", tidak pelak lagi karyanya ini merupakan bahan kajian yang amat kaya dalam memahami perkembangan masyarakat dan perubahan kebudayaan.

Secara lebih terinci di sini dibahas bagaimana pengalaman masyarakat kita dalam masa transisi menuju masyarakat industri, dengan mengganti berbagai atribut dan piranti masyarakat tradisional agraris, yang telah berlangsung sejak awal abad XX, menuju suatu masyarakat yang bertatanan baru sama sekali. Disini dipaparkan berbagai faktor pendukung dan kendala, dan dalam batas-batas tertentu, dibicarakan pula perbandingan sejarah perkembangan masyarakat yang kini tergolong maju. Seperti Daniel Bell telah menyaksikan adanya kontradiksi budaya dalam masyarakat kapitalis, penulis buku ini juga berbicara banyak tentang perbenturan nilai yang dialami masyarakat kita. Perubahan institusional dan pergeseran nilai budaya, dibahas secara kritis-analitis di bawah titel Budaya dan Masyarakat ini.

Terbukti bahwa dalam modernisasi masyarakat, kita masih dalam proses mencari bentuk peradaban yang paling ideal dalam menatap masa depan menuju masyarakat teknokratis tetapi tetap beridentitas Indonesia. Sebuah corak peradaban alternatif, barangkali, itulah yang sedang kita tuju.

Buku ini sangat berguna bagi mereka yang mempelajari sejarah perkembangan masyarakat dan kebudayaan, lebih-lebih bagi mahasiswa yang ingin memahami ilmu budaya dasar dan ilmu sosial dasar, baik di fakultas ilmu-ilmu sosial maupun eksakta.


Judul/Title: The Religion of Java
Penulis/Author: Clifford Geertz
Penerbit/Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Edisi/Edition: 1976
Halaman/Pages: 392
Dimensi/Dimension: 15 x 22.5 x 2.5cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 75.000,-
Call No.: 301Gee/r

"[The Religion of Java] makes new and important contributions to our understanding of Javanese life; it is well-documented; it is clearly written; it is perceptively and creatively conceived." -- Cora Du Bois, American Anthropologist

Written with a rare combination of analysis and speculation, this comprehensive study of Javanese religion is one of the few books on the religion of a non-Western people which emphasizes variation and conflict in belief as well as similarity and harmony. The reader becomes aware of the intricacy and depth of Javanese spiritual life, and the problems of political and social integration reflected in the religion.

The Religion of Java will interest specialist in Southeast Asia anthropologist and sociologist concerned with the social analysis of religious belief and ideology, students of comparative religion, and civil servants dealing with governmental policy toward Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

"Here is a masterful study, by a well-trained anthropologist, of religious beliefs and practices as observed in a small town in East Central Java.... The treatment is thorough, erudite and dynamic. Here is the model that should be followed by all students of religion; a book that should be read for its basic insight into religion, even if the reader has no special reason to take interest in the people of Java. Needless to say, for a student of Indonesia this work is a major contribution and a real treat." -- Library Journal

"To Illustrate this complexity and to describe placticaly and convincingly both separateness and interaction, diversity and unity of the three principal strata of Javanese Islam is the purpose and achievement of the present volume. The documentation is rich and varied." -- G.E. von Grunebaum, American Journal of Sociology.


Judul/Title: The Clash Of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order
Penulis/Author: Samuel P. Huntington
Penerbit/Publisher: Touchstone Books
Edisi/Edition: 1996
Halaman/Pages: 367
Dimensi/Dimension: 13 x 20 x 2.5cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 75.000,-
Call No.: 301/Hun/c

In the summer of 1993 Foreign Affairs published an article entitled "The Clash of Civilizations?" by Samuel Huntington. No article, according to the editors of that distinguished journal, has generated more discussion since George Kennan's "X" article on containment in the 1940's. In the article he posed the question whether conflicts between civilizations would dominate the future of world politics. In the book, he gives the answer, showing not only how clashes between civilizations are the greatest threat to world peace but also how an international order based on civilizations is the best safeguard against war. It is already proving to be one of the most talked about books of the decade.


Judul/Title: New Perspective in Cultural Anthropology
Penulis/Author: Felix M. Keesing
Penerbit/Publisher: Holt, Reinhart and Winston Inc.
Edisi/Edition: 1971
Halaman/Pages: 457
Dimensi/Dimension: 16.5 x 24 x 2.5 cm
Sampul/Cover: Hard Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 50.000,-
Call No.: 306.4/Kee/n

In Many respects this is a new and different book from my father's. It was not meant to be when I agreed in 1965 to revise Cultural Anthropology. Then I envisioned an updating but not a drastic transformation -- a plan that seemed fitting for a revision of a distinctive book that had inevitably become dated. But by the time completely rewritten section began to outweigh sections retained from the original book, there seemed little reason to strive for preservation. My Freudian friends have watched all this with apprehension and awe, but I no longer doubt that it was a wise course. I can only hope that I steered it well.

To entitle a book New Perspective... would seem to challenge the wrath of the gods. Even to write an introduction to cultural anthropology requires a goodly measure of hubris in a field now so diverse and specialized. But having turned a revision into a new book built on the original--and having done so to reflect not only a change in findings in the field but also an emerging new set of anthroplogical premises -- I have used "New Perspective" to express a double meaning: the perspective are in cultural anthropology and on Cultural Anthropology.


Judul/Title: The Culture Of Protest: Religious Activism and the U.S Sanctuary Movement
Penulis/Author: Susan Bibler Coutin
Penerbit/Publisher: Westview Press
Edisi/Edition: 1993
Halaman/Pages: 250
Dimensi/Dimension: 15 x 22.5 x 1.5cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 75.000,-
Call No.: 301/Cou/c

The Culture of Protest explores how religious activists and Central American Immigrants, by protesting U.S refugee and foreign policy, create practices, meanings, and relationships that are, themselves, a form of social changes. As they assist refugees, sanctuary workers develop international notions of citizenship, create ecumenical interpretations of faith, from egalitarian communities, and cross a border between first and third worlds to view their own society through the eyes of the poor. Sanctuary is thus not only a practical effort to aid refugees and affect U.S. policy but also a cultural and religious movement with profound implications for U.S society.

SEX SLAVES: The Trafficking of Women in Asia, Louise Brown

Judul/Title: Sex Slaves: The Trafficking of Women in Asia
Penulis/Author: Louise Brown
Penerbit/Publisher: Virago Press
Edisi/Edition: 2000
Halaman/Pages: 275
Dimensi/Dimension: 15.5 x 23 x 2cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 160.000
Call No.: 305.8363/Bro/s

Slave (sleiv) n. 1. a person legally owned by another and having no freedom of action or right to property. 2. a person who is forced to work for another against his or her will.

It is usually assumed that the Asian sex industry has developed because of the demands of morally corrupct western sex tourists. The western media's obsession with those sectors of the Thai and Filipino sex trade that cater to foreigners has sustained that belief. This ground-breaking book investigates this basic tourists have certainly played a vital part in the growth of the industry, the primary costumers of Asia's indentured sex workers and of its child prostitutes are, overwhelmingly, Asian men. Sex slave demolished myths about the wholesomeness of 'Asian values' and takes a controversial and unique approach by viewing the sex industry as an inevitable product of intensely male-dominated society.

Louise Brown has lived and worked in Asia for many years. This book is based upon her own research into the sex trade, her travel around some of Asia's main red light areas, and upon the personal testimonies of the girls and women who are forced into prostitution. It is about their experiences; their journey from home to captivity; the horrors of their 'seasoning' for prostitution and about their life within the brothel. It tells the story of girls and young women who come from the poorest and most disadvantage sections of society and who are the victims and survivors of terrible exploitation and brutality. It tells of the hypocrisy of their clients, the ruthlessness of the Industry's management and the injustice of societies that then brand these women as despised whores who must carry their shame with them for the rest of their lives. Sex Slaves speaks out against a monstrous trade and listens to the voices of some of the world's most silent and abused women.

SOSIOLOGI PEMBANGUNAN, I.L. Pasaribu & B. Simandjuntak

Judul/Title: Sosiologi Pembangunan
Penulis/Author: I.L. Pasaribu & B. Simandjuntak
Penerbit/Publisher: Tarsito
Edisi/Edition: II, 1986
Halaman/Pages: 400
Dimensi/Dimension: 14 x 21 x 2cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: Indonesia
Harga/Price: Rp. 105.000,-
Call No.: 301/Pas/s

Masyarakat Indonesia sedang mengadakan pembangunan. Ini mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan sosial yang cepat dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Disamping perubahan sosial yang diakibatkan pembangunan telah juga terjadi perubahan sosial yang ditimbulkan persentuhan dengan dunia luar. Kedua jenis perubahan sosial tersebut akan menjadi kekuatan yang positif dalam usaha merubah wajah masyarakat bila kita dapat mengarahkannya. Tetapi hal itu dapat bagaikan bumerang yang menghancurkan wajah masyarakat bila kita tidak dapat mengendalikannya. Agar kedua kekuatan tersebut dapat diarahkan dan dikendalikan maka dibutuhkan pengenalan akan perubahan sosial tersebut. Dengan pengenalan tersebut kita dapat mengantisipasi gejolak perubahan sehingga dapat dijinakkan, dikendalikan kepada tujuan yang kita inginkan.

BOWLING ALONE, Robert D. Putnam

Judul/Title: Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community
Penulis/Author: Robert D. Putnam
Penerbit/Publisher: A Touchstone Book
Edisi/Edition: 2000
Halaman/Pages: 541
Dimensi/Dimension: 13 x 20.5 x 2cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 149.000
Call No.: 301/Put/b

Once we bowled in leagues, usually after work -- but no longer. This seemingly small phenomenon symbolizes a significant social change that Robert Putnam has identified in this brilliant volume, Bowling Alone, which The Economist hailed as "a prodigious achievement."

Drawing on vast new data that reveal American's changing behavior, Putnam shows how we have become increasingly disconnected from one another and how social structures -- whether they be the PTA, church, or political parties -- have disintegrated. Until the publication of this groundbreaking work, no one had so deftly diagnosed the harm that these broken bonds have wreaked on our physical and civic health, nor had anyone exalted the fundamental power of these bonds in creating a society that is happy, well educated, healthy, and safe.

Like defining works from the past, such as The Lonely Crowd and The Affluent Society, and like the works of C. Wright Mills and Betty Friedan, Putnam's Bowling Alone has identified a central crisis at the heart of our society and suggests what we can do.

BOROBUDUR, John Miksic

BOROBUDUR - Toko Buku OnlineJudul/Title: Borobudur: Golden Tales of the Buddhas
Penulis/Author: John Miksic
Penerbit/Publisher: Periplus
Edisi/Edition: I, 1991
Halaman/Pages: 157
Dimensi/Dimension: 24 x 26.5 x 2 cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 374.000,-
Call No.: 910/Mik/b

The glorious ninth-century Buddhist stupa of Borobudur -- the largest Buddhist monument in the world -- stands in the midst of the lush Kedu plain of Central Java in Indonesia, where it is visited annually by over a million people. Borobudur contains more than a thousand exquisitely carved relief panels extending along its many terraces for a total distance of more than a kilometer. These are arranged so as to take the visitor on a spiritual journey to enlightment, and one ascend the monument past scenes depicting the world of desire, the life story of Buddha, and the heroic deeds of other enlightened beings -- finally arriving at the great circular terraces at the top of the structure that symbolize the formless world of pure knowledge and perfection.

SEX IN THE SOVIET UNION, Mikhail Stern and August Stern

Judul/Title: Sex In The Soviet Union
Penulis/Author: Mikhail Stern and August Stern
Penerbit/Publisher: W.H. Allen & Co
Edisi/Edition: 1981
Halaman/Pages: 221
Dimensi/Dimension: 14 x 22 x 2cm
Sampul/Cover: Hard Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 80.000,-
Call No.: 301/Ste/s

Sexuality in the Soviet Union --this is the subject of my book.

How we make love, how and why we marry, how we commit rape, how we lie, how we search after the truth, how we perceive the sexual realities of the West...

Sexuality in the land of the Soviets, whether normal or pathological, whether that of free man or that of prisoners, whether that of ordinary people or that of the privileged...

Marriage, divorce, the first sexual emotions of the young when they encounter the opposite sex... Women's liberation -- does exist in the USSR? and homosexuality?

And those relaxing weekends in the country enjoyed by the top people in the regime, far from prying eyes...

THE CYNICAL AMERICANS, Donald L. Kanter and Philip H. Mirvis

Judul/Title: The Cynical Americans: Living and Working in an Age of Discontent and Disillusion
Penulis/Author: Donald L. Kanter and Philip H. Mirvis
Penerbit/Publisher: Josey-Bass Inc
Edisi/Edition: 1989
Halaman/Pages: 329
Dimensi/Dimension: 16 x 23.5 x 2.5cm
Sampul/ Cover: Hard Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 100.000,-
Call No.: 301/Kan/c

What is cynicism doing to our organizations and how can we stop it?

Cynicism is growing rampant in America. It pervades the workplace. Worse yet, you, your boss, and fellow workers may be cynics and not even know it. This corrosive outlook threatens our personal lives, organizations, communities, and country.

In this new book, Donald L. Kanter and Philip H. Mirvis tell us that fully two out of three American workers are deeply suspicious of their bosses, their colleagues, and their companies. In this group are cynics who believe strongly that management lies, the company cheats, no one can be trusted, and you had better look out for yourself.

The authors demonstrate how this "us-against-them" attitude undermines high performance loyalty, and teamwork. Basing their conclusions on a comprehensive national survey of the American work force, they tell us why cynicism has become so widespread, how it embitters people, and what to do about it. Drawing on their experience with such companies as Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, Caterpillar Tractor, and Unisys, they show us how to understand, diagnose and successfully combat cynicism at work.

MYTHOLOGY, Edith Hamilton

Judul/Title: Mythology
Penulis/Author: Edith Hamilton
Penerbit/Publisher: Little, Brown & Company
Edisi/Edition: 1942
Halaman/Pages: 498
Dimensi/Dimension: 13 x 20 x 3cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 45.000,-
Call No.: 301/Ham/m

Edith Hamilton's orderly and lucid presentation of Greek, Roman and Norse mythology promises the casual reader and avid student a sound, modern and adult key to the foundation stones of world literature have already produced notable books and the charm of her writing is well established by The Greek Way and The Roman Way. She has not been content to be merely a reteller of tales. She has blended and organized the sometimes conflicting myths of the early storytellers, molding them with vivid clarity.


Judul/Title: Jakarta Undercover
Penulis/Author: Moamar Emka
Penerbit/Publisher: Galang Press
Edisi/Edition: 2002
Halaman/Pages: 488
Dimensi/Dimension: 11 x 18 x 2.7 cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: Indonesia
Harga/Price: Rp. 45.000,-
Call No.: 301/Emk/j

"Buku ini memberi suguhan informasi yang berbeda, berani dan sensasional. Dari sejumlah artikel jelas tergambar tentang bagaimana tingkat kreatifitas dan perilaku seks masyarakat metropolitan, khususnya Jakarta. Meskipun seks itu bisa dikatakan sebagai sebuah kenikmatan bagi setiap orang, tapi pada kenyataanya setiap orang punya keinginan, pandangan dan cara yang berbeda untuk merealisasikannya. Dalam skala yang lebih luas, buku ini menunjukkan satu sisi penting dalam hidup manusia bahwa seks adalah anugerah Tuhan yang penuh sensasi, yang tidak saja harus dipertanggungjawabkan secara moral tapi juga agama"
--Cornelia Agatha, aktris film & sinetron--

"Buku ini memberikan banyak informasi yang mengejutkan tentang praktek seksualitas di Jakarta."
--Tommy F Awuy, dosen Filsafat UI, IKJ & Atmajaya--