VIETNAM: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE VIETNAM - Toko Buku OnlineJudul/Title: Vietnam: The Land and The People
Penulis/Author: May Ly Quang
Penerbit/Publisher: The Gioi Publishers
Edisi/Edition: 2000
Halaman/Pages: 348
Dimensi/Dimension: 14 x 21 x 2cm
Sampul/Cover: Soft Cover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 89.000,-
Call No.: 910/Qua/v

Vietnam forms the rugged eastern part of the Indochinese peninsula. Bordering the Asian continent, it looks out on the East Sea and the Pacific, and is situated entirely in the intertropical band, in the centre of Southeast Asia.

Owing to its position of transition and contact between several natural systems and the long geological history of the subsoil, geographical conditions are complex and natural resources highly varied.

The mountainous topography and the East Sea exert a strong influence on Vietnam's environtment. They are also two sources of abundant wealth. Mountains and hills cover three-quarters of Vietnam's territory. The territorial waters of Vietnam are about 1,000,000 sq. and the coast line 3,000 km.

Vietnam is essentially a tropical country with a humid monsoonal climate. The humidity in its atmosphere makes forest the natural vegetation. However, tourist going along Highway i can often see stretches of savanna and grassy hills, the devastated primeval forests.

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