Judul/Title: Great Expectations
Penulis/Author: Charles Dickens
Penerbit/Publisher: Moby Books
Edisi/Edition: 1983
Halaman/Pages: 238
Dimensi/Dimension: 10.5x 17.5 x 3cm
Sampul/Cover: Paperback
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 25.000,-
Call No.: 823/Dic/g/C.1
Status: Ada/Available


Young Pip, an orphan boy, is working as a blacksmith when he learns that an unknown person has willed him a fortune. Money is provided now to send him to London to be educated as a rich gentleman, making his "great expectation" come true. For then he able to conduct himself properly among the rich and win favor with the beautiful Estella and her bitter, vengeful guardian, the eccentric Miss Havisham. Pip's happiness last for several years, but is interrupted one stormy night by a visitor form his past -- the convict Magwitch, who once forced him to steal and who now makes other demands on the young man. Will these demands cause the ruin of Pip's GREAT EXPECTATIONS?

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